奪われた英雄の遺産・青獅子の学級 The Stolen Relic (Blue Lions)
Audience Chamber
レア: Byleth、あなたに依頼したいことがあります。
Rhea: I have a new mission for you, Professor.
I would like for you to take your students into Kingdom territory to eliminate some thieves.
セテス: 彼らはファーガス貴族のゴーティエ家から、英雄の遺産“破裂の槍”を盗み出した。
Seteth: They stole a Hero's Relic from House Gautier of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus―the Lance of Ruin.
Their leader's name is Miklan. He is apparently a disowned son of House Gautier.
Choice 1: なぜ廃嫡された? Why was he disowned?
セテス: 紋章を持たないため、と聞いている。王国では特別珍しい話でもない。
Seteth: I believe it had something to do with his lack of a Crest. Such happenings are fairly common within the Kingdom.
レア: 紋章なき者に、女神の力は振るえません。ですが、武器を振るうだけならば可能です。
Rhea: The Crestless cannot unless the goddess's power, even if they possess a Relic. Nonetheless, they are still capable of simply wielding those weapons.
Choice 2: なぜ教団が征伐を? Why must the church eliminate him?
セテス: これは遺産絡みの問題、一領主の力で解決できる問題の範疇を超えているからだ。
Seteth: This skirmish involves a holy Relic, and is therefore more than a single noble is capable of resolving.
セテス: 英雄の遺産は、人の手に余る強力な武器。相応の戦力をもって臨まねばならない。
Seteth: The Heroes' Relics are immensely powerful weapons. We must meet this threat with adequate force.
Unfortunately, most of the Knights of Seiros are away from the monastery purging the apostates of the Western Church.
So we are entrusting you with this mission. After all, you wield the Sword of the Creator, which is more than capable of opposing any Relic.
レア: 天帝の剣は、遺産の中でも群を抜いて強力な武具。心配は無用だと思いますが……
Rhea: The Sword of the Creator is a powerful weapon, well beyond the other Relics. You have nothing to fear.
However, to ensure that no harm comes to the students, we will also send the monastery's most skilled individuals to aid you.
セテス: ……改めて言っておくが、その剣を持つに相応しい振る舞いを心掛けてくれ。
Seteth: I must remind you that you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner befitting the wielder of that holy sword.
Also, you should know that Professor Hanneman has been looking for you. That is all.
Entrance Hall
ディミトリ: 今しがた、今節の課題について聞いた。……王国領での賊討伐、か。
Dimitri: I heard about our mission for this month. So... We are to eradicate thieves in Kingdom territory.
I'm sorry for dragging into the Kingdom's petty squabbles. This should not be your burden to bear, but my own...
Choice 1: 気にしなくていい I'm happy to help. (Dimitri ⤴)
Choice 2: これも仕事だ It's just a job.
ディミトリ: ……そう言ってもらえると、気が楽になる。ありがとう、先生。
Dimitri: Thank you, Professor. Hearing you say that puts my mind at ease.
ディミトリ: ……?
Dimitri: Hm?
ロドリグ: 殿下、殿下ではありませんか。いや、ご無沙汰しております。
Rodrigue: Your Highness? Ah, it's been ages!
ディミトリ: お前……ロドリグか!久しいな……2年ぶりになるか?
Dimitri: It's been a long time! Two years, if I'm not mistaken.
ロドリグ: ええ。2年の間に見違えるほど大きくなりましたな、殿下。
Rodrigue: Indeed, Your Highness. You've grown so much in those years. I hardly recognize you.
Choice 1: 誰? Who's this?
Choice 2: 知り合い? A friend of yours?
ディミトリ: 彼の名はロドリグ。父の古い友人だ。……ほら、以前話しただろう?
Dimitri: This is Rodrigue, an old friend of my father's. I believe I've mentioned him, if you recall.
ディミトリ: ああ、彼の名はロドリグ。父の古い友人で、俺が物心つく前からの付き合いだ。
Dimitri: Professor, this is Rodrigue. He's an an old friend of my father's. Some of my earliest memories include this fellow.
ディミトリ: 4年前に父が亡くなってからは、まるで本当の家族のように良くしてくれた。
Dimitri: When my father died four years ago, he looked after me as though I were his own son.
ロドリグ: ははは、止してくださいよ殿下。恥ずかしいじゃありませんか。
Rodrigue: You flatter me, Your Highness. It was my honor to care for such a fine, young man.
It's nice to finally meet you, Professor. My son, Felix, has mentioned you on occasion.
ディミトリ: ……ロドリグ。お前が騎士団を訪れたのは、やはり件の賊絡みの……?
Dimitri: What brings you to the monastery, Rodrigue? Is it the thieves plaguing the Kingdom?
ロドリグ: ええ。もはやこの件は、ゴーティエ家だけの問題ではありません。
Rodrigue: I'm afraid so. This is not merely a problem for House Gautier, but for everyone.
The thieves have set up their headquarters in Fraldarius territory, and are mercilessly pillaging the villages of that area.
You have our full support in stopping those dastards. I thank you for your help, both of you.
Crest Scholar's Officer
ハンネマン: やあ、よく来てくれたな、先生。話は聞いたよ。
Hanneman: Good of you to come, Professor. I've heard much about you lately.
Specifically, that you were able to awaken the Sword of the Creator's power. Thusly, it seems the true nature of your Crest has been uncovered.
I had, of course, seen your Crest before. However, at first, I failed to recognize its true nature.
ハンネマン: やがて我輩はふと気づいた。見えているのは全体の一部に過ぎないのではないかとね。
Eventually, it dawned on me that what is visible is perhaps merely a small part of a greater whole.
In other words, your Crest is too significant to be detected when using normal instruments.
ハンネマン: そうと気づいた我輩は、適合し得る紋章を調べに調べ、一応の仮説を立てるに至った。
Hanneman: After this discovery, I began researching Crests that might fit that description, which allowed for a temporary hypothesis.
However, I could not be certain. The Crest my conclusions led me to was far too unusual.
A Crest thought to have disappeared in this world in the millennium since the fall of Nemesis, the King of Liberation.
The Crest of Flames. That is what you possess.
Byleth: 炎の紋章…… The Crest of Flames...
ハンネマン: 君が“天帝の剣”を使えたことで、我輩の仮説は真実であると証明された。
Hanneman: Your ability to wield the Sword of the Creator has unequivocally proved my hypothesis.
A legendary power, dormant since time immemorial, and now resurrected...
There can be no doubt that this ancient power resides within you.